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Sunday, August 24, 2014

"Someone Special"

Sunday, August 28, 1966
My 16th birthday!  The next day I wrote the following letter.  

August 29, 1966

Someone Special,
            I’m writing you at the age of sixteen and one day.  I am now considered old enough to date.  Who knows how soon I’ll get a date.  Possibly not until I go to college ---Rick’s, BYU, or wherever.  But that doesn’t worry me.  For I’m looking for someone very special.
            The church today is the most important part of my life.  And I hope you feel the same way.  You love the church as I love it.
            The man I go to the temple with (you, I hope) will have many things expected of him and it is my prayer that he will expect just as much of me.
            My husband must hold the Priesthood, advance in it, and honor it.  He must love me and tell me he loves me.  He must be willing to take me out at least once a month.
            We will attend all of the church meetings TOGETHER and share a love so great that it will radiate around us.  As I go to church, I see couples very much in love.  No matter how old they get they still show their love for one another in the small things which they do for each other.  This is the way we must be.  When we have children they will know of the love we have for the church, for each other, and for them.  We will make it a habit to tell them of this love.  We will do many things as a family but not so much that our children have no lives of their own.  We will mutually love our Heavenly Father and teach our children to love Him.  You will be able to bless and baptize our children and preside over family prayer and family home evening.  You will be the boss, but our marriage will always be a partnership.
            I’d like to say that you are this man.  I expect this much out of you and I’m sure I’ve found my “Someone Special.”  I hope that you expect this much out of me, too, I pray that you’ve found yours “Someone Special” in me.  May our life together always be a happy and loving one.
                                                                                    Love always,

September 4, 1966

I saw Roger for the first time when I bore my testimony.  I mean, he was blonde, handsome, and NEW!  Little did I know he was the "Someone Special" I wrote to only six days before.

September 6, 1966

I met him at our "opening social" at church.  It was a dinner and program.  He asked to take me home.  My first date....  stopped at a Root Beer stand on the way home.  When we stood on the front porch saying good-bye he called me Helen and asked if we could have a date that weekend.  I said yes and didn't tell him my real name.  I rushed in the house because my friend Lynne was already on the phone wanting to know what had happened.  

I laughed about him not knowing my name and then added "Lynne, do you remember what his name is?" 

Over the next six months we dated.  My father had rules:
1.  One date a weekend.  Home by 11 p.m.
2.  We could sit on the porch swing for a little while after we got home but when the porch light went off and then on again, the date was over.
3.  In cold weather, we could sit on the couch after everyone else went to their bedrooms.  However, when my dad got up to check the temperature on thermometer the date was over.
4.  Spending time together on Sundays at our house - not on a date, of course.  I think it had to end around 9 p.m. although I don't exactly remember.

At some point I shared my "Someone Special" letter with Roger.  He had not attended church for six months prior to that first Sunday in September when I saw him.  Without hesitation, he attended church, respected and honored his priesthood and me.

I think we began to fall in love.  He was 19 and I was 16... so young.  On one date we went to see the movie "Dr. Zhivago" at the Jefferson Theater in Fort Wayne.  What a movie!  He went home, learned the Lara's theme "Somewhere My Love" and called me so he could play it for me over the telephone.  It became "our song" even though I didn't approve of Lara and the Dr. and their relationship!   Our daughter Tanya was named after Dr. Zhivago's wife in the movie - I approved of her.

Roger joined the Marine Corps in February 1967.  
August 28, 1968
After riding the train from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to Grand Junction, Colorado I went with my Grandma Sally and her husband Uncle Jess to Salt Lake City.  Roger and I got our marriage license and celebrated my birthday.

Thursday, August 29, 1968
I married my "Someone Special" in the Salt Lake Temple at 9 a.m.  My young women's president and her husband, my seminary teacher and his wife, Roger's home teaching companion (while he was in high school) and his wife were there with us.  My Grandmother and step grandfather (who I didn't know very well) and Roger's mother (who I had only met three times) were at our wedding. 

We had no idea what a leap of faith was ahead of us when we left for Logan, Utah for our three day honeymoon and then on to Jacksonville, North Carolina to begin our married life together.  But we knew we were doing what was right for us and that our Heavenly Father was pleased and that was all that mattered.

Sunday, August 24, 2014 
In the process of preparing for my mission I am sorting and organizing, scanning pictures and documents, and remembering, remembering, remembering.  I have cried more tears this past week than I imagined possible. 

My leap of faith has brought me to a time in my life that I could not have envisioned 48 years ago when I first met Roger.  He died almost 19 years ago but when I recall the words to our song,  "Somewhere my love..." I clearly remember the first day I saw him, my "Someone Special" and I know that these experiences I am having mean as much to him as they do to me.

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