Okay, this is sort of a negative blog post. But it's been on my mind since I had this experience yesterday. I was at a Dollar Tree a couple of miles from my home. It is not in the best neighborhood but it was the middle of the day and very busy inside and outside.
As I was loading up my car with the 30 bargains (yes, 30) I had just scored I heard someone yelling. I looked up. About half way across the parking lot I saw a man of about my age being thrown to the ground by a couple of guys. They began to kick him and I heard him yelling "I didn't mean it." A couple of people from the gas station next to the parking lot came running toward them. The violence stopped as it was clear the police had been called. After a minute the man on the ground got up and with blood dripping down his face limped away. As he was being asked if he needed help he just shook his head and kept walking. I felt pretty crummy... as I drove away I saw the man sitting near the other side of the Dollar Tree. I didn't stop to see if he needed help although I slowed down and he sort of waved me away.
The old white haired guy, skinny, no shirt, appeared to be under the influence of something, yelled the "n" word at two African American guys who were getting into their SUV after shopping at the Dollar tree. They immediately turned upon hearing the word and began their attack. I think I get why they were so angry when they heard that word yelled! I have never been in that situation but I can imagine it might make a person very, very angry. What I don't get was the violent response....
Did they see a pitiful old white man like I did? What was accomplished by throwing him down and continuing to kick him? Will he use the word again? Probably. Did he intend to upset them? Probably. But as I watched him sitting outside the store eating something he had apparently gotten at the gas station he didn't seem to be hurt too badly. He didn't look afraid. He didn't look penitent or as if he was really sorry even though he had cried "I didn't mean it."
And I ask myself the question to which I can find no answer "Why can't we just be kind?"
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