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Thursday, April 3, 2014

I Know That Was You God! Thanks!

I can remember my mother using the word "weary" to describe how tired she was.  I really hated that word. To my it was symbolic of being sick of doing things she didn't want to do but felt like she had to do.  I now recognize it as a feeling or emotion not a physical thing.  It was also an indication to me that she was not strong enough to handle her life.  (Sorry mom - I was young.  I realize now that you were trying to be what you thought you should be even if it made you "weary".)

I'll be honest, I'm a little like my mom.  So, like her, I found scriptures to support our weariness:
2 Thessalonians 3:13 (New Testament) But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
Doctrine & Covenants 64:33·Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. 
Galatians 6 The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians:  Be not weary in well-doing.

As I looked out on this grey, rainy, dreary day the "shoulds" in my life were going round and round:   places to go, people to see, people to help, listen to, things to do... things to do...  and I realized I felt "weary" just like mom used to feel!  However, I know better!  Really... partly because of my personality, partly because of my profession and training, partly because of this blog which reminds me that sometimes it's all about My Leap of Faith.  
So here's how my day is progressing:

I give myself permission to edit and play around with pictures on my computer...

Copied this from Facebook and edited it to please me.  It reminds me of  the drawings I used to ask clients to create during counseling sessions.  I usually created one at the same time.  It became an image of a SAFE PLACE so when things felt fearful or out of control or overwhelming or sad or... even weary ... you can close your eyes for a minute and picture yourself in that SAFE PLACE.  Imagery can be a powerful tool.

       I give myself permission to grieve...

No one said that I had to quit grieving - I guess it was my own rule  
Austin (Tanya's youngest) is here this week and I have cried because Tanya is not here to 
see her children become adults and because I can no longer hear her sing, see her remarkable smile, 
give her a hug and it's sad so I am going to grieve . . . allowing yourself to grieve can be a  powerful tool.

I give myself permission to "not do everything" and "not please everyone" to quote Michael Mclean...

Good music can be a powerful tool.

I give myself permission to play computer games, watch Inspector Lewis, stare out the window, wear my soft, lavender robe all day...

And on this gray, gloomy day all of a sudden I don't feel weary any more.  I feel grateful that I have the freedom to give myself permission to choose!

Gratitude can be a powerful tool.

“The Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. …" (2nd Nephi 2:16)

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